Adam White (M35)
Current member :
Best time for 1m is 4:51 (4:51) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 16:11 (5:13) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 21:24 (5:21) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 26:26 (5:17) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 33:03 (5:20) Link to race
Best time for 10m is 57:24 (5:44) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:13:29 (5:37) Link to race
Best time for full is 2:53:49 (6:38) Link to race
Was Runner Of The Month for
An impressive start to the road season has already seen Adam smash PB's at 5k, 5 miles, 10k and Half-Marathon! A winter of focused training and some pretty major lifestyle changes has seen Adam go from an already good standard, to an even higher level and looking set to improve further as the year goes on.
Whilst a couple of these did come at the end of February, it is almost impossible and not really encouraged, to run hard every week to do it all in a month! Doing it in just over a month, is still a very impressive feat. Although he doesn't do strava, so do they really count?
At the end of February Adam ran a 16:35 at Long Eaton parkrun to claim a 5k PB and also travelled to the Alsager 5 miler, where he ran 27:42 knocking over 40s off his previous mark and moving up to 12th on the LERC all-time list.
Moving into March, Adam's PB of 37:05 was destroyed by a very strong 34:30 timing - into a headwind, a performance which also earned Adam a second place finish and a ranking of 15th on the LERC record board.
The month culminated with the completion of the clean sweep at Wilmslow Half-Marathon, taking around 4 minutes off his best, to go under the 1:15 mark, for a 1:14:29 and set the 8th fastest time in LERC history.
The 'rarely photographed man' looks set to keep up this superb form and also play an important role for the mens team as they look to challenge in the Derby Runner and Notts AAA Summer Leagues, so we wish him well and look forward to seeing how much lower the times will go!
Performance History
History for 5k
History for 5m
History for 10k
History for half
2nd @ Fradley 10k
1st @ Long Eaton Parkrun
2nd @ Long Eaton Parkrun
1st m35 @ Long Eaton Parkrun
3rd @ Harborough Carnival of Running 5K
Races competed in (657 miles over 117 races.) download
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