Nicholas Dennis (SM)

Current member : Yes

Best time for 1m is 5:01 (5:01) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 15:01 (4:51) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 27:05 (5:25) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 30:50 (4:58) Link to race
Best time for 10m is 52:10 (5:13) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:08:36 (5:14) Link to race
Best time for full is 2:28:11 (5:39) Link to race

Was Runner Of The Month for

This months runner of the month goes to Nicholas Dennis. A fairly new runner to the club who has improved his times achieving a 10k PB at Leicester and not only a 5 mile PB but part of the 1st men's team at the Trent 5. Also winning the LERC fell championship for his debut fell race as first club runner to finish. We wish Nick continued success with his running and races ahead.

Our February 2023 Runner of the Month award goes to Nick Dennis.
Nick ran competitively for us previously, and had won this award back in May 2015, but then moved away to live in Australia. Last year he moved back to the UK and started racing again for us, and boy did he come back with a bang!
There has been a series of amazing results from Nick, consistently improving as the weeks went on. In January he was throwing himself into the XC league, and his first league race back he was 2nd at Bramcote Park and we knew then he was in top form.
Onto February, and at Colwick Woods he went one better, finishing 1st overall and setting a new course record of 31:40, 15 seconds faster than Aston.
The following week he repeated his 1st place at the XC at West Park, proving his strong form, and setting another course record.
His crowing glory though was on 26th February, when he finished 2nd overall at the Leicestershire Half Marathon at Prestwold Hall. Why is this so good you might ask, as he was 2nd but 1st at the others? Well he was 2nd behind Team GB Olympic Marathon Runner Ben Connor.
Nick ran a huge PB of 1:09:26 - smashing the previous club course best of 1:16:38. He was 1 minute 32 seconds faster than his previous PB set in 2018, running this race at 5:18 per mile. The most impressive is that he was only 4 and a half minutes behind an Olympic Athlete, which over 13.1 miles is not a huge amount away.
This result elevated Nick to 3rd on the men’s all time fastest club Half. To back up how impressive his times are, Nick currently has the following all time club standings
5k - 4th in 15:01
10k - 3rd in 30:50
Half - 3rd in 1:08:36 (June 2023)
Hugely impressive Nick, and the results have continued to come through since February too, so I we are all excited to see how many more of these PB’s you will be smashing this year!

Performance History

History for 5k

History for 5m

History for 10k

History for half

History for full


1st @ Cornwall Park (Auckland N.Z.) Parkrun
1st @ Albert Parkrun, Melbourne (Australia)
3rd @ Albert Parkrun, Melbourne (Australia)
2nd @ Studley parkrun Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
1st @ Parkville parkrun (Australia)
1st @ Albert Parkrun, Melbourne (Australia)
1st @ Long Eaton Parkrun

3rd @ EMXC4 Trent meadows (Men)
1st male team @ Weston 5
county vest @ Intercounties XC Championships (Men)
2nd @ Loughborough Half
3rd @ Rickys Fell Race (600ft)

2nd @ Chevin Fell Double Loop


Races competed in (887 miles over 154 races.) download

[All] [All exc. Parkruns] [Fell races] [Parkruns]