Caleb Deakin (SM)
Current member :
Best time for 1m is 5:14 (5:14) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 18:12 (5:52) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 24:29 (6:07) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 34:02 (6:48) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 40:16 (6:30) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:31:27 (6:59) Link to race
Was Runner Of The Month for
Cast your mind back to May… We in Captain’s Corner have the advantage of access to a rather neat monthly summary tool that Phil Abbott created for us, which mines the LERC database to aggregate a month of LECing into just a few pages. This makes for interesting – if rather lengthy - reading (depending on how much of a statto you are). Looking back at summaries always reminds me why we find it so difficult to choose a RotM. In May alone LERC recorded 81 PBs & no fewer than nine LERCers logged 40+ miles of racing NB. This includes parkruns, so ‘racing’ is sometimes stretching it – and we all know parkrun is not a race (no, it really isn’t!)
Good cases could be made for a number of runners, as usual. Given that we store this info away, to act as future virtual tie-breakers, I won’t go into detail this time around, but suffice to say that the feeling is: their time will come! Now that could definitely also apply to the runner we did end up choosing, but we felt that Caleb Deakin definitely earned the accolade in April. The month started with a pair of quick parkruns around our home course at West Park - knocking 39 seconds cumulatively across his PB, across the two – down to a smidge over 20 minutes. This was followed by a first Derby Runner league outing in LERC colours at Teversal, running an impressive 31:56. Caleb then rounded out the month with a very quick (5m14s) mile PB. Great running, Caleb – we’re sure the hard work you’re putting in will continue to bring further improvement and quicker times!
Performance History
History for 5k
History for 5m
1st @ Sence Valley Forest Park Parkrun
Races competed in (206 miles over 57 races.) download
[All] [All exc. Parkruns] [Fell races] [Parkruns]