Kevin Roughton (M45)

Current member : Yes

Best time for 1m is 8:11 (8:11) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 26:09 (8:26) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 36:02 (9:01) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 43:13 (8:39) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 56:39 (9:08) Link to race
Best time for 10m is 1:37:37 (9:46) Link to race
Best time for half is 2:02:07 (9:19) Link to race

Was Runner Of The Month for

When it comes to getting involved in running, there are few people who do this more often or more enthusiastically than the chosen LERC Runner of the Month for November 2022; Kev Roughton. Already well known to just about everyone in the club when a member down the road at Erewash Valley, his transfer to LERC has just meant we've seen even more of his smiley face and imbibed more of his infectious enthusiasm. This is reflected so well in his numbers for this month: 2 x XC races (one all the way over in Corby), 2 further Winter League races at Shepshed and the Derby 10-miler, plus three different Parkruns in 3 different counties, chucked in for good measure! Runners and running clubs the world over (in fact, the world in general) could do with more Kev Roughtons...

Performance History

History for 5k

History for 4m

History for 5m

History for 10k

History for 10m

History for half


1st @ Colliers Wood Canter 3k
1st @ Colliers Wood Canter 3k
1st @ Colliers Wood Canter 3k

2nd @ Colliers Wood Canter 3k


Races competed in (1266 miles over 276 races.) download

[All] [All exc. Parkruns] [Fell races] [Parkruns]