Alex Vize (M35)
Current member :
Best time for 1m is 5:06 (5:06) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 16:13 (5:14) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 22:56 (5:44) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 27:26 (5:29) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 34:11 (5:31) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:16:20 (5:50) Link to race
Was Runner Of The Month for
January Runner of the Month - Alex Vize
Another eventless month passed us by, but still people were running hard and pushing themselves!
One of those was Alex Vize. Alex may not be known to many, but has been a LERC’er for 18 months now – just unfortunate that most of those 18 months we’ve been able to meet or race!
However, in that time Alex has taken the opportunity to attend the speed sessions put on and with some commitment and hardwork, shown exactly what can be achieved.
Beginning with a 5k PB of 20:42 (which is still his official PB), he’s taken chunk after chunk off that time.
The end of January saw another sizable chunk knocked off and another milestone reached, as he clocked 17:44, to go sub-18 for the first time!
This backs up a storming 10k PB set in December, with a 37:42 around the Wilne, taking 3 minutes off in just two months and a ridiculous 8 minutes off what his PB was this time last year!
The man is in form and flying, setting a great example to all of us.
Great work Alex – don’t know where these improvements will end, but we're looking forward to finding out!
Performance History
History for 5k
History for 5m
History for 10k
History for half
Races competed in (1252 miles over 81 races.) download
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